About Our Company and the Evolution of Data Authentication
At DigiStamp, we’re proud that since our founding in 1998 we’ve grown into the TimeStamp Authority operating today. We designed and now maintain the SecureTime systems which produce e-TimeStamps.
DigiStamp’s focus on the customer has generated ten years of growth in an emerging market. Our success reflects our commitment to:
Enhanced security to create legal evidence
Reliable hardware using the accepted standards for a TimeStamp Authority
High customer service rating
Multiple platforms supported (Mac, Windows, Android, Linux, Adobe Acrobat, MS Office)
Some of our customers:

Our customers use DigiStamp to verify regulatory compliance, manage liability risks, and record possession of intellectual property. When the leading genomics, biotech, and academic research institutions needed to protect their discoveries by “notarizing” their electronic data files, they looked at all options and then chose DigiStamp.
Ensuring strong legal evidence for our customers remains our bedrock service. We provide the tools to prove the authenticity and integrity of electronic records. By the end of 2003, DigiStamp had created more than 1 million timestamps for customers. Not a single DigiStamp timestamp has ever been successfully challenged.
In 2005, we commissioned and completed an external audit so that our timestamp meets the highest standards of strong legal evidence for authenticating computer data.
Every year, we’ve been able to lower prices—for a total reduction of over ninety percent. In 1999, customers correctly saw a $5 timestamp as a good value. Today, we provide an even more technically bullet-proof product for forty cents or less.
We’re proud that state and federal agencies, as well as foreign governments, have sought our advice and our products. From the Supreme Court of Ohio to the Department of Defense to the federal governments of Mexico and Australia, we’re recognized as reliable experts who offer sound thinking as well as a fine product.
Contact us
Please contact us with your questions and feedback. It is best to use email.
Click here to use our Feedback Form, or:
Customer Support is Christine Casady (support@DigiStamp.com)
Business Development is Rick Borgers (rborgers@DigiStamp.com)
Our Skype user ID is: DigiStamp (This indicator is prone to false-negative)
Phone: 1-214-377-0378
We prefer that you use email support@DigiStamp.com.
DigiStamp operates the Internet service from two locations, Dallas and Chicago. The geographic separation has allowed us to provide 24 x 365 reliable operations, achieving 99.99% uptime for 10 years. Access timestamp server systems by configuring your client software to TSA1.digistamp.com or TSA2.digistamp.com (details here).
Mailing address:
DigiStamp, Inc.
3400 Oak Grove Ave, STE A120
Dallas, TX 75204 USA
Take a tour of the site. Enjoy the service. We appreciate your feedback.
- 4000 BC Cylinder Sears are used in Mesopotamia to stamp commerce transactions.
- 1700 AD 1700’s Tort law and the traditional notary is defined.
- 1977 Digital Signature technology is invented.
- June 1999 An agreement is made with IBM to customize their secure hardware.
- March 2000 DigiStamp’s first release of the web-based security service using certified hardware.
- April 2000 DigiStamp Series A stock sold in 3 months.
- June 2000 Legislation is passed to support the legal standing of Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, e-SIGN.
- August 2001 The IETF, an international standards body, publishes a RFC 3161 standard for timestamps that will be used by DigiStamp.
- December 2002 DigiStamp has distributors in France and Australia. Growing customer base turns the company profitable
- July 2003 Hit 1 million mark for customer timestamps provided
- March 2004 The USPS EPM service releases a competing timestamp service. Search for DigiStamp in the news with these government agencies here
- August 2005 Perform an external audit to complete our independent chain-of-evidence advantages
- July 2008 Our enterprise gateway proxy tool installed in several large corporations as digital signatures become more common.
- April 2010 PDF files are becoming a common format for paperless workflow. Provide a toolkit to help users sign and timestamp PDF files.
- July 2011 The IETF publishes Long-Term Archive Service Requirements and Evidence Record Syntax [RFC4998 and RFC6283 ] standards for long-term non-repudiable proof of data existence and integrity on a long-term basis.
- December 2014 We add Long-Term Archiving standards compliant RFC6283 Evidence Records with Blockchains for a keyless security approach with Timestamp Renewal to extend PKI timestamps.
- November 2017 Upgraded all systems to FIPS 140-2 Level-4 Certified hardware. New external audits. Add option for Elliptic curves and longer keys lengths. Add SHA-3 support.
- July 2019 A mobile application to create timestamps is released.
- August 2022 Improved High Availability implementation and now using AWS Edge.